Tuesday, 19 May 2020

What AGWU DEITY stands for in our cosmology as written by Engr. Edmund Mezue, An EDUCATIONAL COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN ON IDF NGO NATIONAL. READ BELOW:


Agwu is a deity believed by Igbo tradition to be servant of God for earthly fulfilment.

Agwu is a patron deity to various cult linked to earthly fulfilment called Agwu cults and supervises in the performance of their duties.

A Cult is a system of religious veneration and devotion directed towards a particular figure or object, an endeavour that has taken on form.
It can be open or secret.

Agwu cult is mainly concerned with health and divination which could tend towards good & evil,  health & sickness,  wealth & poverty, and fortune & misfortune.

Membership of Agwu cult could stem from one's past earth-life or be in the present earth-life. If from one's past earth-life, the person can be initiated back to it in childhood without his consent but his consent must be sort if the initiation is to occur after the setting in of the generative power i.e. from adolescent. Consent is sort through various awful experiences presented to one that may necessitate making enquiries which may thereby result to going for the initiation
If in the present earth-life, initiation into it must be with the consent of the person after  generative power had set in. The person seeks it by himself or is introduced to it through friends and requests to be initiated.

Members must always meet the demands of Agwu through the cult i.e.  they must feed it.

One becomes victim of malevolent or malignant power of Agwu when one refuses to do what he resolved with the cult or when one who was member in the past earth-life refuses to be initiated back to it in the present earth-life.

One becomes recipient of it's benevolent power when one does whatever one resolved with the cult or initiated back into it in this present life if he was a past earth-life member

Many Priests, Pastors, Prophets and ndi Dibia/Doctors belong to Agwu cult.

Mezue Edmund

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