After many meetings and many postponements of the address, the minister of basic education has finally delivered a report to the public and assured all parents, students and school staff that the academic year of 2020 will be saved and we will be returning to school.
The plan to ensure the reopening of schools will be in works starting from next week. The minister announced that proper measures have been arranged to ensure the safety of the students and teachers. This includes gloves, sanitizers, masks, social distancing measures such as only 20 learners being allowed in each class and etc.
As the department has previously stated they as planned, the schools will be opening of the first of June with the grade 12 and 7's being the first to go. Updates about the other grades will be given later as time progresses. Special schools will also be reopening with the grade 12s and 7s seeing the therapeutic purpose which they serve to the learners.
Auditors will be called in within schools to confirm specific regulations and ensure that measures are followed.
Questions raised
One person from Limpopo raised a concern about why water was more emphasized than sanitation which is more important.
Another from the Eastern Cape raised why schools HAVE to open on the first and also raised a concern about how they will be ensuring these students will receive water especially in rural.
In Cape town, one discussed what guarantee these people have that the children most definately won't get it and pass it to their children.
Another was,will all teachers be going to school?
Will school be opened at the same time or will this vary on the private sector?
• They are working with water and sanitation as both these things are important. Social distancing will be insured as students will have the whole school to themselves as .
• Schools are good for kids they are give them structure.
• UNESCO ,UNICEF and WHO, stated that the longer children are out of schools learners the more we risk the possibility of them not returning m, especially with what happened in 2010 after the teacher strike. Leads to many consequences.
• There will be screening daily.
• All teachers are going back to school to assist with the splitting of the classes as more teachers will be required.
• Yes though the sector is different they will be returning to schools and have been conversing with them.
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