The power of your network will probably never be quite as tested than in the current times! Given the high levels of uncertainty now and potentially ahead, I thought I would offer some suggestions to fellow growing business owners during this time:
- First and foremost (if you can) give assurances to all your colleagues whom no doubt work relentlessly hard day in and day out for the business. It's times like this you need to showcase loyalty whilst offering innovative solutions to ease any anxiety or worry! #peoplefirst
- Give yourself praise for all the things you have managed to achieve to date, sometimes reflecting on what you have built will spur you on for what you can continue to build for the future. #selfbelief
- Be more proactive than ever with regards to seeking the thoughts and advice from fellow business owners, mentors and role models. Its freak times like this you should be taking action to learn from people you trust and value to seek their perspectives #mentorsmatter
- Be present online to continue to build your personal brand with your team, clients and suppliers. Engage with your LinkedIn connections, followers and groups and other social media channels. #network #personalbrand
#staysafe #staypositive #nevergiveup #coronavirus #takeaction
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