Thursday, 26 March 2020

Just now! Historic Conspiracies of Pandemics- Revelations, Mindset

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, pandemics of a disease or illness existing in almost all of an area or in almost all of a group, animals or plants. It is basically the worldwide spread of a new disease. Take for example an influenza pandemics, it occurs when there is a new influenza virus that people are not immune to and it spreads all over the world or to a very large number of people. It’s as such that the severe cases can be high in number even if the affected population is small, which might as well come with paranoia.

Examples of pandemics in the past are; a) Great Plague of London- also known as the Black Death that took place between the 1665-1666 taking 15% of London population at the end of it, but that wasn’t the end of the nations suffering as the Great Fire of London started and lasted for four days, destroying a very good part of the state.
b) The Black Death- which was around between the year 1346-1353. This pandemic traveled from Asia to Europe taking almost half of the population in the region. Caused by a bacterium and was transmitted by infected fleas and rodents. The bacteria, Yersinia Pestis is said to have been extinct.
c) Flu Pandemic- this flu pandemic was around between the year 1889-1890 taking the lives of a million people around the worldas it spread all over despite the fact that there was no means to travel by air, it still spread from Europe to the rest of the world.
Critically looking at the above pandemics in the past and the numerous ones that were not mentioned, there is a common factor which is the fact that the human race strived over these fears, paranoia, deaths and every aftermath that might as well happened due to the crisis. It has survived all of it. Many might as well refer to the pandemics as doomsday “the apocalypse” as they come because they are interpreted as the revelations, the prophecies that have been indicated in doctrines, school of thoughts.
"In around 2020, a severe pneumonia-like illness will spread throughout the globe, attacking the lungs and the bronchial tubes and resisting all known treatments," it said. "Almost more baffling than the illness itself will be the fact that it will suddenly vanish as quickly as it arrived, attack again ten years later, and then disappear completely”, this was from the book End of the Days, Predictions and Prophecies about the End of the world, by the author Sylvia Browne who even predicted that she will die at age 88 but did at age 77. Can these predictions be taken as true or verify truly that we are at the apocalypse?
During the 1527 plague, Martin Luther showed exemplary motives towards the plague. He and his wife Katharina stayed behind to treat the infected, they did not flea as it was the only way to get safe from the plague. As he was holding his convictions high “to love thy neigbour as thyself” it saw him through the crisis while helping the infected, giving his house for treatment, these gave hope to the infected. One can as well say that Martin Luther maintained that there was obligation to render help to those affected. This shows the type of mindset one has to have in terms of crisis because at the end of the day we only have each other.

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