Monday, 13 April 2020

What women loves and hates

Five things that women hate to see on their man

There are some things that your woman dislikes in you, she might not complain but she hates them, she might try to endure for sometimes but it will get to a time she may not be able to endure again.
1. Pride/ego: men are naturally proud and they have who, they want to be respected by all and will not take anything less from anyone. Most women hate proud men who cannot simply apologize for any wrong done by them ad most men will simply look for a way of covering up their error, they hardly say I'm sorry. Men to keep your home and relationship, learn to say sorry, put your pride aside, I'm sorry will not kill or reduce your value.
2. Imposing your wish: everyone wants their will and wish to always come true but dear men, it's not every time that your wish will stand, listen to the woman's opinion as her opinion may be better than yours once in a while, anytime your wish has so stood, let her see reasons for such action, don't do it out of pride or ego, make a joint decision often with your wife, women don't like it when you always impose your wish on them.
3. Frustrating the woman's effort: woman are naturally feeble and can be so emotional, don't add to her problem by frustrating her little effort, some men can frustrate the woman's effort by speaking I'll of her and everything she does when she cooks you complain when she arrange the house, you scatter, she tries to please you in every way but you end up making her effort worthless, learn to celebrate and appreciate your wife's effort no matter how little it may be.
4. Not giving her attention: women loved attention, don't be the kind of man that is always too busy to give his wife attention, all you know is to wake early, go to work and return late complaining of been tired of the day's work, try to create time for your wife and she'll be happy with you.
5. Neglecting children training to her: I wonder why most children love their mother than their father and I come to the conclusion that it's because most men neglect children's upbringing to the woman alone and she bears the burden like she's the only that gives birth to the children. Your children need a father figure, only the woman cannot train up the children. Women hate the attitude of neglecting children training to her all in the name of "I'm busy at work" at least I'm putting food on their table, I'm providing them with everything they need, though it is important to provide these things your family still need you.

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